Support Chloe’s Challenge
Join us at Bokamper’s Sports Bar and Grill for Cocktails for Chloe’s Challenge
1280 S. Pine Island Road, Plantation, FL
January 28, 2014 (Tuesday)
7-10 p.m.
Tickets are $50 before January 25/$60 at the door
Complimentary appetizers and one free drink ticket included
Plus discount drinks all night
Raffles and silent auction items needed now
Contact Cindy if you want to make a donation or contribute a raffle or silent auction item
Cell 954-295-8994 or
All donations are tax deductible
All checks should be made out to Bridge To Healing Foundation, a non profit 501(c)(3) organization Tax ID #27-2165497
Mail checks to:
Made out to: BRIDGE TO HEALING FOUNDATION Cindy Smith 1000 Highland Meadows Dr Weston FL 33327Donations help Chloe receive the therapies she needs and supports special needs camp. Chloe will be 10 years old in January.
She remains nonverbal, doesn’t function independently, has behaviors that impact her family and needs help.
Bridge to Healing is a non profit organization dedicated to helping children with special needs receive the help they need including therapies and special camps, that aren’t covered by insurance.
Thank you on behalf of Chloe!